

Excerpt from THE DANCE OF THE SOULS Book One: Pierce the Veil I left Honolulu and began my tantric path July ’97 as a detour from visiting my parents, whose health was failing back in Pittsburgh. Distressed over their impending deaths, I’d become “short” with Jason, my live-in. I snapped at him, then became remorseful …

Anunnaki Aliens Rule Planet Earth by Janet Kira Lessin

Aliens rule this world and they’ve been in charge all along. They govern us from the top of the all seeing eye of the pyramid down to the clerks at the county court house who dictate to us every nuance of how to live our lives. We are not free nor have we ever been. …

Tantra Gift of the Gods to Maximize Co-Creation of Existence: Internet Radio with Janet Kira Lessin, Articles too

Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that originates from space. Ancient aliens who colonized the Earth 450,000 years ago bought tantra from the planet Nibiru and practiced tantra to maximize conception and bring into physicality from higher dimensions souls of advanced capabilities in order to advance civilization and culture and maximize chances for their species’ …

Cosmic Creation, Existence, Realms & Reality by Janet Kira Lessin

Nicola Tesla discovered (or was told) by extraterrestrials about scalar wave technology. Our government developed that technology into HAARP using scaler waves. Waves are real, measurable. Many things not seen are real. Vision is not the litmus test for reality. We now understand more about how waves work. Waves carry signals, information, energy. We have …

Ninmah’s Mentation: EMBRACE THE LIGHT Web Radio and Article by Janet Kira Lessin aka Ninmah

Janet Kira Lessin, immersed in the Sumerian Goddess Ninmah as an archetype, ishideva and model for Quan Yin, Sophia, Parvati and Mother Mary, and our own Inner Mother, shares some of Ninmah’s wisdom. Click arrow and hear her; her words are repeated below: Imagine we each have a subself (an inner voice) that resonates with …

NINMAH by Janet Kira Lessin

NINMAH by Janet Kira Lessin Ninmah (also known as Ninharsag, Hathor, Great Mother) is the daughter of Anu (King of Nibiru the 10th planet in our solar system), sister and lover of both Enki/Ea and Enlil/Yahweh. Ninmah’s the mother of both her brothers’ children. With her beloved Enki and nephew Thoth/Ningishzidda/Quetzalcoatl, Ninmah co-created Homo Sapiens …